Monday, October 11, 2010

Virtual Choir (Assignment Due Oct. 14th)

Virtual Choir
Assignment is due Thursday, October 14th.
Worth a maximum of 15 points. 1-2 days late is a maximum of 10 points. Zero points beyond 2 days late.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to watch the three videos. The first video is the Virtual Choir singing "Lux Aurumque" composed by Eric Whitacre. The next two describe a little bit about how the video was made. Then answer the following questions as completely as possible! Think out of the box and write more than just "yes" or "no" to questions.

1. What emotions does this music evoke?

2. What was the composer trying to convey in this song? What do you think the music is about?

3. What are the benefits of a virtual choir versus a live choir? Did you like the virtual choir and why?

4. Describe what you think it would be like to record a video for a virtual choir.


  1. 1. I was confused, relaxed and cnfused again.

    2. The composer was trying to get 100 people from across the world to sing in virtal chorus.

    3. You can be anywhere in the world and sing in virtual chior. I thought it was pretty cool.

    4. It would be hard but also interesting.

  2. 1. It evokes calmness and relaxation.
    2. THe composer was trying to convey a large group of people all singing the same song without being together. We think the music is about pureness.
    3. You dont have to have the high cost of traveling to the countries. We didnt like it we loved it because it was very interesting and sounded almost better than a regular choir.
    4. We think it would be cool to see yourself in the virtual choir and how the total outcome was.

    Sarah Leonard and Hannah Andreae

  3. 1. To me, this song makes me feel relaxed and kind of get that floating on top of the ground feeling.

    2. I think he was trying to show unity and harmony. Trying to get 100 people to sing at the same time and not mess up can be hard, they pulled it off though.

    3. I think the advantages of having a virtual choir is that you can get more range, different sounds, and more fullness. I liked the virtual choir because everyone mixed well and harmonized.

    4. To record yourself would be fun, but also difficult. You would have to make sure you stayed on key the whole time, had the dynamics and words right, and overall just be satisfied with what you had sang.

  4. That comment above was Taylor Sheckles. Sorry!

  5. 1. The song makes you feel calm and light.
    2. I think he was trying to show unity, by incorporating people who live half a world away.
    3. I think the virtual choir works because there is such a wide range of talents and sounds. In a live choir you have to work with the talent sitting on your doorstep.
    4. It's probably be hard without the director actually with you, even watching his motions he would not be able to tell you if you needed to adjust.

    - Gabby Coleman

  6. Taylor Happel
    1.It was wuite confusing.

    2.He was trying to get people to sing the
    song. I like the song.

    3.You can know what is going on in the world. Yes i did beacuse it was pretty cool watching it.

    4.It would be complicated but a bunch of fun in the end.

  7. Autumn Kraus
    1. Very rich voices making you feel relaxed.
    2. Trying to get people from around the world to sing a song together to make a sense of togetherness.
    3. You dont have to worry about anything except for being there online at the right time. Yes i liked it made me feel like i was everywhere at once.
    4. It would be confusing but very interesting.

  8. 1. it makes me feeled relaced

    2. Unity and Harmony to show that we get along and we dont all hate each other.

    3. It sounds better then a live choir and they got to do it with other people from around the world. I thought It was awesome.

    4. I think it would be awesome dificult but fun.
    -Garett Wilson

  9. Reid Cook
    1. The music is full of harmonies and lilting melodies which evoke a feeling of peace, calmness, and light.
    2. I looked up the meaning of the words, and the song comes from a poem. Whitaker invokes imagery of light and harmony in his music, and the meaning is that of peace.
    3. The virtual choir allows people who have never met and maybe live on opposite sides of the globe to come together and create music. The sound was wonderful. The graphics could certainly be improved. The only problem I could hear was that some of the consonants didn't fall together, which is likely impossible to avoid when not actually directing the singers.
    4. The virtual choir is much different from a typical chorus. I personally perfer to feel the movements of the other singers around me, and also feel the direction the director is trying to take. I don't think that a video is as effective at creating that sense.

  10. 1) The music was light, but full. All of the voices sounded full, but the notes and rythmn kept it light.
    2) The song sounded really calm and peaceful, so I'm assuming it has something to do with that. He was trying to get many different voices and people together, and make it sound good. He proved that even though they aren't together, people can sound good together.
    3) It sounded really good, and better then I expected. I didn't think that many people would be able to sing the same thing and sound that "together." Some of the words were different because when you watched the singers' mouths they weren't the same shape which gave the sounds different "sounds."
    4)I think it would be very hard to blend my voice with the other people. In a live choir, I can listen to other people around me and blend with them. I also think it would be difficult to stay on key and add dynamics within the song.

    Taylor Baumgartner

  11. 1. The sound, the mood, the feeling of this music was amazing. The different defined harmonizes really grabbed my attention. The sound was peaceful, relaxing, calming, but yet full of engery. Emotion may have been love, peace, and slight sadness, greaving, but yet in a loveing way.
    2. I beleive Eric Whitacre really wanted to stree how much connection we need as humans, how a peice of music can be convayed into a masive work of art and power. This virtual choir that all started with one man, one microphone, and one video responce. Im not quite sure what this music means, I did read Reid's comment when he mentioned that it was a poem. If i had not known that, I would have assumed it was for I felt that this music carried alot of feeling. Perhaps, a dairy, journal or personal feelings, emotions of his?
    3. I beleive that a virtual reality choir would be very benifical, due to the fact that you'ed be singing by yourself, and as most people do, have more confidence and sound better then you may with a large, live group. You are in your familar surroundings, and comfortable, and relaxed to where you are, and dont have to feel that you are being watched or critized. This choir, I found to be very enjoyable to watch and listen to. There may not have been much going on, yet you felt all the emotion and feeling.
    4. Personally, I think it would be interesting to record a video for a virtual choir. Do I think it would sound fantastic no, but you could always enhance things to make it sound better, giggle...giggle

  12. Elizabeth

    1. For each person this would evoke different emotions, but for me it was amazment, I was struck by how beautiful it was just by putting a bunch of videos together. It makes me want to fall asleep.

    2.He was trying to convey this song in a way that fit the song. I'm guessing that the song is about love, compassion or peace. Just the way it is so smooth and legato, makes me think that.

    3.I think that for some people they would rather sing by themselves, or not in front of strangers. Plus they can sing from the comfort of their own home. Also they can record whenever they can or are feeling really in tune. I liked it, it is definitaly the face of tomorrow.

    4.It would be really weird. I am used to hearing other people and other parts sing. It would be like an entire solo, which means that you can work with yourself and better yourself.
